CCEC offers a wide range of services and solutions to assist customers with the management of material for their projects.

Corpus Christi Electric is well known for assisting customers with just-in-time solutions by utilizing our massive inventory and extensive available warehouse space. Materials can be purchased and staged in our warehouse storage facility until ready to be installed at your location. This prevents losses and damage, as well as eliminating any potential long lead times that could slow down production.

Our Cable Management program allows you to pre-purchase your cable ahead of time and have it securely stored. This ensures that it is readily available to cut to the most accurate lengths and delivered when you are ready to install. This provides proven savings to customers by reducing cable waste, loss and damage.

Corpus Christi Electric’s Mobile Material Containers are the most efficient and reliable way to ensure that you have the parts you need, when you need them. We have the ability to deliver them fully stocked so that you can start construction immediately and have the materials to keep the project moving forward.

So, whether it’s at our location or at your job site we have solutions to help. Let Corpus Christi Electric  be your trusted partner to help make your next project a success.
